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A question we are regularly asked by members of the public or people considering joining up is how their children would fit into the hobby. Below is a small interview with the youngest and extremely enthusastic members of our company!

Name: Ashley

Age: 12

Years of service: 4 1/2 years

Role: Living history/dog sitting

Best things about the SK: Getting away from modern life and having fun. I really like seeing all my friends and others that are in our regiment.

What do you want to do when you’re older: As a profession I would like to be an archeologist but in the SK I would like to be a drummer.

What are you looking forward to at the next muster: Seeing everyone and catching up. Getting a chance to do some cooking I’ve cooked for the pike men before. When I cooked bacon for Darren and Luke because they tried cooking it in water yuck!

What do you like about kit: I like wearing the skirts they are nice and comfy

What don’t your like about the SK: You get too hot wearing kit when the weather is nice. Kit is great when it’s cold though.

Name: Megan

Age: 8

Years of service: 4 1/2 years

Role: Living history

Best things about the SK: Meeting new friends and seeing old one too.

What do you want to do when you’re older: I want to work in IT when I grow up but in the SK I want to be on living history cooking.

What are you looking forward to at the next muster: Going to Traders row!

What do you like about kit: I like wearing my bodice

What don’t your like about the SK: I don’t like wearing my coif.

Name: Toby

Age: 7

Length of Service: 3 years

Role: Pike masscot

What's your favorite thing about being in the SK?  Fighting! Winning is the best.

What would you like to be when you're older? A wrestler. Or a pikeman

What are you currently looking forward to?  Bossing Luke (his pike masscot helper) around, like "chop down that tree" and "go buy that"

What do you like most about the kit?  Stealing Simon's (pike commanders) helmet is the best part

What's the worst bit about Sealed Knotting?  Dieing. (This then led to a discussion between the gownups as to what was worse, dieing in dog poo or dieing in cow poo. The CO decided that cow poo was worse because at a muster he died and his sword fell handle end into it).

What would you like to tell other children about the SK?  You can make friends, fight and camp. Then when you're like 10 or 16 you can learn how to fire a gun (it's actually 18).

Name: Ruby

Age: 2

Years of service: 2 years

Role: The youngest in the regiment, looking cute.

Best things about the SK: Freedom I get to play outside every day.

What do you want to do when you’re older: Unsure

What are you looking forward to at the next muster: Waking everyone up early then running around looking for Brandy (A dog not the alcoholic drink!!!) and apples.

What do you like about kit: I just run around in a cotton shift its great.

What don’t your like about the SK: I don’t like the coif I will throw it off every time my Mum puts it on.



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